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luxury Spa treatments and trainings
Rated #1 Best Body Sculpting Treatments and Beauty Trainings in California
We offer Industry-Leading Hands-on Body Sculpting Treatments and Training Courses in modalities such as RF Skin Tightening, Ultrasound Cavitation, Wood Therapy, Sauna Blanket and Vacuum Therapy - including Luxury Post Op Treatments.
What is Body Sculpting ?
The body sculpting technicians at Boss Babe Beauty use a technique crafted by Kenia De Lira, which is a method that transforms the skin and promotes overall wellness with immediate and long-lasting results.
Body Sculpting treatments helps target and destroy fat, fight cellulite, improve skin texture, and help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles without causing any pain or unwanted side effects.
Unlike other uncomfortable and even painful treatments, Body Sculpting Treatments feels like a warm massage, stimulating the skin, enhancing blood flow and providing a sense of relaxation and overall wellness.
Ice sculpting therapy is a 100% natural process involving thermogenesis. It is a fat-burning process that breaks down fat cells, allowing our body to relocate, remove some of the fat cells through the lymphatic system, or use them as an energy source, while contouring the body and tightening the skin.
The thermogenesis process occurs when skin receptors stimulate the nervous system when exposed to cold. Restoring the body to normal temperature by accelerating a rapid metabolism will generate heat and burn fat faster.
Ice Body sculpting lotions should be applied repetitively and effectively. This will result in inch loss, cellulite reduction, and toning of the skin.
Slim & Shape – Body Sculpting Ice Lotion
Slim & Shape is a 100% organic product made with a delightful mix of invigorating herbs, essential oils, French green clay, and other natural ingredients. This fusion promotes circulation, fights against cellulite, and promotes fat burning in targeted areas. Skin will become firmer while contouring the body and feeding the skin with the much-needed minerals. It is used for all skin types.
Additional benefits are:
– reduces appearance of the cellulite
– tightening the pores and removes impurities
– exfoliated the skin
– reduces the inflammation
– exfoliated the skin
– de-tox
– reducing water retention
– soften dry, rough skin
– stimulates connective tissue and elastin production
– boosted lymphatic drainage
– non-surgical inch loss
– immediate results
Since everyone has a different metabolic rate, results will vary from client to client. For the best results, we recommend following a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle.
If you wish to become a certified ice sculpting therapist contact us for more information.
Ultrasonic cavitation (CAVI)
Ultrasonic or ultrasound cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat.
This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through the lymphatic system.
Radio frequency (RF)
Radio Frequency (RF) body sculpting treatments deliver energy to create heat which eventually destroys fat by targeting water in the cells.
Radio Frequency (RF) therapy, also called Radio Frequency skin tightening, is a non-surgical method of tightening your skin.
Benefits of Radio Frequency:
Tightens skin in the body decreasing lose skin
Slims the face “double chin remover”
Decreases wrinkles and lines of expression
(RF) Facial
The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen . Radio frequency is all about stimulating collagen production.
Radio Frequency (RF) skin tightening can give selected patients a noticeable cosmetic improvement. Unlike fillers, RF skin tightening can remove fat from under the skin as well as tighten and firm underlying tissue.
Patients choose radio frequency assisted treatments to tighten facial skin for these reasons
No knives
No scars
Can be back to work the next day
No downtime
No cutting of skin
lymphatic Drainage
A working lymphatic system is essential to the body’s ability to regenerate tissues, drain fluids, filter out foreign substances and toxins, detoxify, and maintain a healthy immune system. The lymphatic system is complex and made up mostly of nodes and lymph vessels working together to achieve these aims. The lymph itself carries fatty acids, hormone cells, immune cells, proteins, and toxins to be processed by the lymph nodes. When the body is under stress, fatigued, experiencing infections, fighting a disease process, or—in certain cases—recovering from surgery, the process may be slowed down”.
Wearing a compression garment can help aid and speed up the process.
Benefits of Lymphatic Massages:
Reduce inflammation after surgery
Helps body fight off infections
Releases harmful toxins from body
Improves lymphedema
Aids in weight loss
Non-Invasive bbl
Vacuum therapy is a noninvasive massaging technique that helps to lift your skin via a mechanical device equipped with suction cups (cupping).
When performed for several sessions on a weekly basis, you may notice that your skin is tighter and more toned. This can provide the appearance of a butt lift.
At its core, vacuum therapy offers deep massaging effects. The procedure may work for buttocks toning by:
Decreasing muscle tension
Increasing lymphatic flow to remove toxins and water retention
Exfoliating the skin, thereby making it smoother and more toned in appearance
Stimulating the middle layers of skin for increased toning effects
Decreasing the appearance of cellulite
Colombian Wood Therapy
Wood therapy is a vigorous massage technique that utilizes wooden, handheld tools, such as rolling pins and vacuum-suction cups. Purportedly, wood therapy is centuries old and originated in Asia.
The technique of wood therapy has seen a surge in popularity, primarily in South America, where people call it maderoterapia. Madera is Spanish for wood.
Practitioners of this technique claim that it can reduce or eliminate cellulite.
Benefits of Wood Therapy:
Increasing lymphatic circulation
Reducing wrinkles
Alleviating stress
Shaping waist into an hourglass shape
Decreasing fibrosis after surgery
Lipo Laser
Laser Lipo results works by using heat from laser light energy to heat and liquefy excess fat cells.
Once liquified, the fat cells make their way through your lymphatic system. Once they have gone all the way through your lymphatic system, they end up processed by the deoxycholic acid in your gut.
Finally, they are transported out of your body as waste via your urine, just like dietary fat.
Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment to combat severe cellulite. It is carried out using suction devices that drain the adipose tissue and move the fat towards the lymphatic system. Vacuum therapy also helps to eliminate fat, it has an exfoliating effect, provides elasticity to the skin and relaxes the muscles.
Cellulite Treatments
What is Cellulite ?
Cellulite represents deep fat deposits that have pushed their way up to the surface of the skin. These fat deposits have breached the shortened and weakened connective tissue that was supposed to hold them in place, giving rise to the dreaded “cottage cheese thighs.”
Contributors to the shortening and weakening of connective tissue. Treatments that diminish the appearance of cellulite are vacuum therapy, lymphatic massage, and wood therapy
Boosts metabolism and burns up to 600 calories per hour - without working out.
Relieves stress and anxiety - naturally increases serotonin (happy feelings) and decreases cortisol (stressful feelings).
Soothes sore muscles and joints while increasing blood flow and circulation
Health Benefits From Regular Use:
Detoxification Detoxifies the body from accumulated fat, heavy metals, radiation, and environmental toxins.
Pain Relief Infrared heat penetrates tissues, joints, and muscles to relieve aches and pains.
Skin Purification Heals the top layers of the skin causing glowing skin as well as reducing wrinkles.
Reduces inflammation Alleviates inflammation and skin conditions (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne).
Anti-Aging Boosts collagen and enhances your skin's natural glow.
Thermal body wrap gels effectively reduces cellulite, fat deposits and stretch marks. The natural essential oils contained in the gel pleasantly refresh, soothe and relax, and positive effect is noticeable after the first treatment.
3 Types of Wraps: Slimming, Cellulite & Mud
Slimming - These solution-soaked wraps are applied to the skin’s surface to promote the release of excess fluids, in order to tighten and contour specific areas of the body.
Cellulite - Cellulite wraps are designed to reduce the appearance of dimpled skin. The effect of the wrap can improve someone’s appearance for a short time by plumping up the skin. Really, the predominant benefit is one of moisturizing the skin, which can diminish the appearance of cellulite.
Mud - Mud wraps are known for increasing circulation and removing toxins from the skin, thereby tightening and firming skin texture. Mud is applied to the entire body and is then removed with hot towels after a period that allows the nutrients in the mud to be absorbed by the skin. For maximum benefits, spas often recommend an exfoliating shower or body polish as a precursor to the mud wrap. Muscle relaxation and pain relief are additional benefits that have been associated with the mud body wrap.